DIY Macrame Plant Hanger For Beginners

Hey guys! Today I’m gonna be showing you how to make a macrame plant hanger.

I love macrame and I wanted to be making this plant hanger for a while now. I love the vibe they bring to a space and how cute they look with a plant in them!

It is a very easy project and the end result will reward you for your effort! So, let’s show you how to make this macrame plant hanger!


make a macrame pot hanger

Grab a wooden or a metal ring and pass through eight macrame strands, 4 yards each, until you reach the center of the strands.

Then, you have to make a gathering knot to join all of the cords.

To be doing this all you have to do is to take a piece of string that’s about 2 feet long and place the one end below the wooden ring, hold it there with your thumb and create a loop a couple of inches down and then take the longer side of the string and wrap it around all of the cords tightly.

When you’re done with the wrapping, pass the string you were working with through the loop and then take the other end and pull it up, so that it drags the loop and hides it under the coil.

Step 6 - Cutting the Knot

To finish the gathering knot all you have to do is to cut off the ends of the cord you were working with and you’re done with this knot!

Next, you’re gonna need to separate out four sections of four strands each that are close to each other. Then you’re gonna need to take one section and start making square knots.

Square Knots

Step 8 - Square Knots
Step 8 – Square Knots

All you have to do is to take the left side cord and bring it up on top of the two middle ones and under the right cord, creating the number 4.

Then pass the right cord behind the two middle cords and then through the loop and then pull this tight to the top to meet the gathering knot. Now you have created the half square knot so let’s go and do the other half!

Step 11 – Macrame

To be doing this all you have to do is to take the right cord this time, bring it up on top of the two middle ones, and under the left cord, creating a reverse number 4.

Then pass the left cord behind the two middle cords and then through the loop. After that, pull it tight to meet the other knot…and now you have created a completed square knot!

Step 14 - Macrame
Step 14 – Macrame

Next, go ahead and make fifteen square knots to the section you were working with and then apply this pattern to the other three sections.

Next, you’re gonna need to take to sections that are close to each other and separate two strings from each section that are next to each other and you’re gonna make half square knots.

To be doing this you’re gonna have to repeat the number 4 or the reversed number 4 for the knotting.

Twisting half square knots

I chose to take the left string, put it on top of the middle ones, and under the right string, creating the number 4 and then passed the right string behind the two middle ones and then through the loop.

Then I pulled it up about 3 inches down from the flat square knots.

Step 18 - Twisting Knots Macrame
Step 18 – Twisting Knots Macrame

And I repeated this pattern until I made 30 knots. As you can see, this knotting creates a spiral form to the strings.

Then I took the next four strings that were next to each other and continued my twisting half square knots until I ended up with four spiral sections.


After that, you need to connect the spirals together and all you have to do is to pick two of them that are next to each other and take the two cords of each spiral that are close to each other and create two square knots about 2 1/2 inch down from the spirals.

You then have to repeat this knotting for all the remaining strings.


You have to be aware guys to adjust the height of the square knots exactly at the same point you did with the first one.

Step 21 - Netting Macrame
Step 21 – Macrame

When you complete the first row, move on to the second one. Pick two square knots that are next to each other and take two strands from each square knot that are close to each other and make another two square knots.

Step 22 - Macrame
Step 22

Then finish another row of knots that are 2 1/2 inch down from the previous row. And keep going until you complete three rows.

Final Gathering Knot

Step 3 - Final Knot Macrame
Step 3 – Final Knot Macrame

When you’re done with the knotting you’re gonna need to make the final gathering knot about 1 1/2-2 inch down from the last row of your square knots.

Gather all of your cords together and place the one end of a 2 feet string on top of the cords and create a loop and then wrap the string around the cords tightly and pass the end of the string you were working with through the loop and then pull the other end up to catch and hide the loop under the coil.

Then trim off the two ends with a pair of scissors and in the end trim your fringe. I cut mine at 6 inches down from the gathering knot and now it’s ready to be hung!

We hope that you enjoyed this tutorial.

Show us your Hanging Macrame Holder by sending a pic to @global_unique_fabrics

A special thank you goes to Love 4 DIY for sharing this fantastic tutorial

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