Does your interior look like it needs sprucing up a little? Placing an assortment of scatter cushions within a scheme is a great way to bring all the elements of a room together and create a brand-new look that doesn’t cost a fortune.
Select your colour palette
Identify the predominant colour in the room and choose scatter cushions that incorporate this colour, even if it’s a subtle touch of the shade within intricate patterned or floral prints.
Experiment with multiple design styles in various textures
Combining multiple designs is another thing to consider when choosing cushions. Great if you’re pattern crazy and love to clash. However, if this isn’t your thing but think plains are going to look a tad boring then texture is key. You can also introduce interest by choosing a selection of both large and small-scale designs and complement them alongside solid-colour cushions.
By pairing two co-ordinating fabrics on one scatter cushion, you can instantly give yourself multiple decor options. Just flip your scatters around in different combinations or take the idea one step further by combining a second or third design and your options instantly become endless.
HOT TIP: Mix and match prints can work beautifully, but be sure to maintain a common thread throughout by selecting a single colour that runs through all designs to ensure a cohesive end result.
Cushion Sizing
The Pro’s recommend using both 60 x 60 cm a 50 x 50 cm with the larger one in a plain fabric and the smaller one in a patterned fabric which will create both space & elegance.
Finding your dream cushion combination
Why not use our custom-made cushion service. Choose from our fantastic selection of fabrics & designs as seen here. We cater to all requirements including: outdoor, fire-guard & even easy-to-clean fabrics. Fill out the form below & get in touch with our professional decorators. They will do the rest…