How to Perfectly Cut Acrylic Felt
Today we’re going to address how to perfectly cut acrylic felt.
Cutting nice smooth shapes out of felt can sometimes prove difficult. Smaller bits are often even more difficult to work with than larger shapes. Either way, it can be all-around frustrating. I mean felt is cheap and all, but who wants to waste time and money cutting out sub-par shapes that get thrown in the garbage bin in the end?
Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore at all. I was once asked “really? All of this to cut out a felt letter?” Why yes – please go back to minding your own business.
To perfectly cut felt you will need:
- Felt
- Sharp scissors
- Freezer Paper
- Iron
- Print outs of letters, shapes, etc. (optional)
- Spray Adhesive
(if using printouts)
I’m going to be cutting out felt hearts. Because I need every heart to be exactly the same, I’ve printed out the hearts I need on regular printer paper.
Take the printout and spray the backside with spray adhesive. Press firmly onto the non-waxy side of the freezer paper and allow a moment to dry.
If you aren’t using print outs you can also draw shapes directly onto the non-waxy side of the freezer paper if you don’t want to cut freehand.